On 这 page are posted various funding/grant opportunities 和 short-term based scholarships/fellowships. 点击链接下载特定的公告.



富布赖特U.S. 教师和管理人员学者计划

A program of the United States 国务院 Bureau of Educational 和 Cultural Affairs. 富布赖特全球学者奖允许美国.S. 学者 和 professionals to engage in multi-country, trans-regional projects. 作为一个真正的世界性奖项,美国.S. scholars will be able to propose 研究 or combined teaching/研究 activity in two to three countries with flexible schedule options; trips can be conducted within one academic year or spread over two consecutive years. For more information 和 examples on the grant schedule, please see below.Please click on the link below to go to the 富布赖特学者计划 website. T在这里 you will find information about the various elements of the 富布赖特学者计划. http://www.cies.org/ http://cies.org/us-scholar-awards

有一些即将到来的网络研讨会可能会有用. 有关网站上的名单: http://cies.org/events/webinars



2022-2023年的比赛现已结束. 2023-2024年世界杯将于2022年4月开幕. 请回来查看.

The English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Programs place Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers. ETAs help teach English language while serving as cultural ambassadors for the U.S. 学生的年龄和学术水平因国家而异, 从幼儿园到大学. ETA项目的申请者只能申请一个国家. 点击 在这里 to see the table for details on specific country requirements 和 numbers of awards.


富布赖特U.S. 学者计划:


富布赖特大学.S. 学者计划2023-24竞赛现已开放. 学者项目为美国学生提供了多种机会.S. 学者, 管理员, 专业人士来教, 研究, 在国外做专业项目和参加研讨会. Please explore our catalog of awards 和 connect with Fulbright to learn more.

访问我们的 奖项目录 详情请参看在130个国家提供的400多个奖项. 申请截止日期是 2022年9月15日晚上11:59 (太平洋标准时间). 请注意.S. 需要公民身份.





富布赖特U.S. 学者项目团队
联系人: (电子邮件保护)

1400 K Street NW | Suite 700 | Washington, District of Columbia 20005

Information about 机会 in the Foreign Service of the U.S. 国务院

Here are some student program opportunities that are either open for application 现在或者很快就会. Most of these opportunities will have deadlines in early-mid fall (some even earlier). 学生项目是一个 伟大的 这是你进入国务院的好方法. 事实上, 41% of all Foreign Service Officers (FSO)s hired in FY20 had previously participated in a U.S. 政府学生计划. 此外, 高达76% of all Pickering 和 Rangel Fellows hired in 2020 had done the same. 但事实并非如此 至关重要的 完成一个学生项目,成功地成为一名美国学生.S. 外交官,这当然会提高你的胜算. 我们鼓励你尽早、广泛、经常地申请. These programs are competitive, but you’ll never be chosen if you don’t apply.


皮克林/兰赫尔奖学金 -在我看来,这是我们最宝贵的机会. 申请期已开始 现在 给那些打算读研的人 下一个 秋天(我.e. 探索和申请研究生课程 秋天). 如获选为研究员, 这 program provides financial support of up to $42k/year for graduate school related expenses, two paid internships during two consecutive summers (one domestic, 一个在国外), 大量的指导和支持, 还有一份有保障的美国律师工作.S. Foreign Service Officer upon graduation (with a five year work commitment). Please click the links below to see the Thomas Pickering Fellowship 和 Charles Rangel Fellowship Programs flyers for more information about these two programs.

Deadlines: Pickering (9/22/2021); Rangel (9/29/2021)

托马斯·R. 皮克林研究生外交事务奖学金项目

查尔斯·B. 兰格尔国际事务研究生奖学金项目


U.S. 外交服务实习项目(USFSIP) – This merit 和 need-based opportunity is open to rising Sophomores 和 Juniors in undergrad. 申请期应该很快就会开始了(比如3rd or 4th week of August)…和 it will only stay open about 7-10 days once it is announced. Selectees will receive two paid internships during two consecutive summers (one domestic, 一个在国外). 请参阅USFSIP传单的链接以获取更多信息. U.S. 外交服务实习项目传单(USFSIP)

U.S. 国家学生实习计划部门 -这是我们最大的项目. 然而,至少现在,这是一份无薪实习. Students can apply for Summer, Fall or Spring Semester internships. They work 32-40 hours a week at a domestic office or overseas Embassy or Consulate. 由于COVID, the past few cycles of these internships have all been virtual, 2022年春季周期也将是虚拟的. 目前还没有关于2022年夏季周期的决定. Please check out the Student Programs by clicking the link for more information. U.S. 国家学生实习计划部门

通道项目 – T在这里 are three Pathways programs that are paid student program opportunities that provide a job path to the Civil Service (domestic-based positions). 这三个是:途径实习, 应届毕业生项目, 以及总统管理奖学金. T在这里 was a FB Live webinar about all three of these programs that you can access 在这里. More information on these are also covered in the Student Programs link above.